Donate Today

Make Your Donation Today

Every donation, no matter how small, is used to directly empower people in our community or benefit people with disability.

Your donation can help us provide more services for people in our community especially people with disability. Every dollar received through donations, bequests or sponsorship is either used according to the givers’ instruction or used for to better the lives of people with disability and the community.

Your donations help us to expand our community services and make more rooms available to receive more people with disability. Would you like to support our work? One of the ways is through donation. Any sum over $2 is tax deductible.

Leave a Gift in Your Will

Here is how to leave Zoe Community Services a gift

Consider leaving us a gift in your Will to support the good work that we do in the community. Your kind donations enable us to continue serve a range of people to win and live their best life. Please get in touch with us if you have left or plan to leave a gift for Zoe Community Services in your Will or you want to nominate Zoe as a beneficiary, so we can specially thank you for your generosity and commitment to improving the lives of people with disability or the community.

Should you like to remain anonymous, we would still like to thank you in a special and personal way.

To Donate A Specific Sum

“I give to the Zoe Community Services (ABN 31 343 114 490), for its general purposes, free of all duties the sum of $____________ for which an authorised receipt from the Zoe Community Services will be a sufficient discharge for the executor or trustee.”

To Donate The Residue

“I give to the Zoe Community Services (ABN 31 343 114 490), for its general purposes, free of all duties the residue of my estate for which an authorised receipt from the Zoe Community Services will be a sufficient discharge for the executor or trustee.”

To Donate A Percentage Of Your Estate

“I give ___% of my estate to the Zoe Community Services (ABN 31 343 114 490), for its general purposes, free of all duties for which an authorised receipt from the Zoe Community Services will be a sufficient discharge for the executor or trustee.

Tell Us About Your Gift

If you have give us anything, please inform us so can share your story to encourage others to do same. More importantly, we would appreciate the chance to say thank you.

For your kind support for a prosperous community for all people, we say a big “Thank You”.

Would you like to make a donation?