
Please keep watching this space for our inspiring and life-changing community events.


Event closed.
Event closed.

Zoe community Services specially invites you to The International Cultural & Fun Fair 2020 as we celebrate Multicultural Diversity in NSW. This event is funded by NSW Government. The event is designed to showcase Australia’s rich and beautiful multicultural diversity, which will be held on Saturday, 14th of March, 2020 at International Peace Park, Seven Hills NSW 2147 from 10am to 6pm. Australia is a vibrant multicultural country. We are home to the world’s oldest continuous cultures, as well as

14 March, 202010am
Event closed.

The event is going to be about story telling, music and dance (choice of music from the grandparents). Dancing competition from grandparents, narrating of past life experiences by grandparents, photo shoot and giving out gifts all by grandparents and family from culturally diverse background. BOOKING is FREE but essential. Please call us on 0402 633 459 or email us at to make your booking.

17 November, 20191:00PM - 4:00PM